More Greek pears will hit the markets this season, as the weather did not cause as much issues as...
Deluge, then drought: the double challenge for farmers in Greece In Greece, farmers are contending with the aftermath of...
15 reasons not to miss Fruit Attraction 1. Three days of intensive B2B meetings with the fruit and vegetable sector. 2. Learn everything you need...
Yesterday saw a busy first day at Fruit Attraction in Madrid, where the temperatures were a little lower compared...
María José Sánchez, director of Fruit Attraction: “Fruit Attraction 2022 is going to be a great fair, with participation...
Greece eyes late-season grape potential Speakers at the Global Grape Congress outline their optimism for Greece’s role in international...
Harvesting of Arra 15 grapes commenced last week in northern Greece, says Jupiter Group, with quality of all varieties...
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