Brandt is organizing this event on February 24, starting at 5:00 p.m., on the platform

Innovation and new technologies in the melon and watermelon sector

The latest advances in innovation and new technologies applied to the melon and watermelon sector will be presented at an interesting online event organized by Brandt Europe. It will take place on the agricultural audiovisual content platform For an hour and a half, starting at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 24, 6 expert speakers will talk about the current situation in terms of innovation and new technologies for these two important products.

The applications of artificial intelligence, Big Data, advanced analytics to predict the right time to harvest watermelons, nanoparticles for the elimination of nitrates in water or new technologies in plant nutrition are some of the topics that will be discussed by José Antonio Arcos (director from El Agro Authentic), Manuel Valverde (CEO of Agrowindata), Yesica Vicente (researcher at the Defense University Center of the General Air Academy) and Juan Jesús Maldonado (Specialized Technician in Intensive Horticulture and Subtropical Crops at Brandt Europe).

The event will also feature representatives of two leading firms in the sector. Joaquín Hidalgo (general director of the AGF Group), head of Sandía Fashion, will talk about innovation as a tool for business growth, while Cele Buendía (general director of Melones El Abuelo) will analyze the constant innovation of its melons.

The event will have an agile and dynamic format, moderated by Alfonso Lucas (Agromunity). Attendees will have the chance to ask the experts questions in an interactive meeting.

Those interested can now register for free in this link.

For more information:
Tel.: +34 954 196 230


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