One organic farm is understood to have been completely destroyed as a result of the enormous fire which spread across East Attica last week

GR Emmanouil Pavlis Attica wildfire

Image: Emmanouil Pavlis, Dreamstime

A large wildfire which burnt thousands of hectares of land in the region of Attica, to the north of the Athens, has adversely affected some local production of vegetables, Fruitnet understands.

“The East Attica wildfire was a really sad moment, mostly for production of vegetables [rather] than fruits,” said Eleni Bereti, business account manager at Cherries From Rachi Olympus.

The fires are understood to have completely destroyed an organic vegetable farm near Afidnes, known locally also as Kiourka.

“Especially from what I know, there was huge damage in the ecological farm [in the] Kiourka area. Greenhouses, storage areas, cold room, irrigation system, animal stables, workers accommodation, farm equipment, and all crops were destroyed.”

Wildfires have burnt across the Attica region of central Greece since 10 August. According to the European Forest Fire Information System, the main wildfire has burnt approximately 10,630 hectares in the East Attica regional unit.


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