Global fresh produce grower Jupiter Group are thrilled to announce that they will be trialling six new varieties of...
grk_frts_adm_is, , Uncategorized, 0Although New Zealand obtained a record kiwifruit harvest last year, the producing regions in the northern hemisphere are facing...
“Sales for Greek kiwis are rather fast this season”
grk_frts_adm_is, , Uncategorized, 0“Sales for Greek kiwis are rather fast this season” It’s been busy time for Greek kiwi exporters. Sales have...
Innovation and new technologies in the melon and watermelon sector
grk_frts_adm_is, , Uncategorized, 0Brandt is organizing this event on February 24, starting at 5:00 p.m., on the platform Innovation and new...
Greece exceeds 10% of organic farmland
grk_frts_adm_is, , Uncategorized, 0According to the latest data provided by Eurostat, in 2019, the percentage of organic crops in Greece passed for...
Greece: Some growers lost 85% of exports because of EU sanctions against Russia
grk_frts_adm_is, , Uncategorized, 0It has been six years since the EU imposed sanctions on Russia, to which Moscow responded with a ban...
Proto acts fast on coronavirus
grk_frts_adm_is, , Uncategorized, 0On-site doctor visits are far from a regular occurrence at kiwifruit packhouses, but these days fresh produce companies are...
Myths and truths about organic products
grk_frts_adm_is, , Uncategorized, 0Η αγορά των βιολογικών τροφίμων είναι από τις ταχύτερα αναπτυσσόμενες παγκοσμίως με ετήσιο ρυθμό ανάπτυξης που κυμαίνεται στο 15-20%...
Horticulture could see Greece out of crisis
grk_frts_adm_is, , Uncategorized, 0For Greece's Secretary General for Agricultural Development and International Relations, Dimitris Melas, the way out of the country's economic...