Greek watermelon season starting

The Greek watermelon season is about to kick off. Starting in week 20, the summer fruit will be exported to European countries mostly. Demand is rather high at the moment, so one Greek exporter is looking forward to a busy season.

According to Christos Mitrosilis, CEO of Greek fruit exporter Mitrosilis , there is already solid demand for watermelons, while the export is yet to begin: “Our watermelon export will start in week 20, the week of May the 17th. We can already see the demand being high at the moment. We feel this is a result of the low quantities of available stone fruit, like peaches nectarines and apricots.”

As Greece has had good weather, the quality benefited this year, Mitrosilis explains: “Greece’s production of watermelons is on a normal level this year, which we’re happy to see. Thanks to good weather, the quality of the watermelons should be good as well. With demand already being high and more and more European countries getting a grip on Covid 19, we expect there to be an increased consumption of summer fruits compared to last year.”

For more information:
Nikos Katsaloulis
Tel: +30 2752045000
Mob: +30 6947775533


Publication date: 
Author: Nick Peters


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