The European grape market is still enjoying reasonable demand, but it is not doing all that great either, says Bertus Schipper of the Dutch company Zoutewelle. “Spain has fewer grapes available because of the heat and Greece because of the rain. That’s just as well, given the market situation, because otherwise, sales would’ve been much harder,” he says.

“Italy is sending sufficient quantities. The seedless varieties sales are a little smoother. For seeded grapes, we rely primarily on ethnic customers; outside of them, those sales are limited. And those grapes generally sell for around €2/kg. Depending on the color, people pay €2.15 – €2.20 per kilogram for seedless grapes. All in all, prices aren’t dramatic, but, then, sales are very calm.”

Zoutewelle currently offers seeded white Italia, black Palieri, and Red Globe grapes, along with a wide range of seedless varieties. “Demand for good Italian grapes should increase toward the end of the month,” Bertus expects. “The Spanish season will soon be over, and Greece no longer has large volumes available, which offers potential for Italian grapes’ demand and price.”

Also, the first overseas grapes are delayed as Brazil benefits from good demand from the United States. “There’s lower production of California grapes, which means Brazil is sending less to the European market. Fortunately, the Italian season is going well, quality-wise. In other years, we still sometimes continued until late November or even early December, but I think this season will be done by mid-November,” Bertus concludes.

Zoutewelle has a stand at Fruit Attraction in Madrid: Hall 6 – C-10.

For more information:
Bertus Schipper
140 Handelsweg
2988 DC, Ridderkerk, NL
Tel: +31 (0) 180 642 364


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